Merry Christmas!

Started by =CfC=Fitz, December 15, 2013, 11:34:04 PM

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Merry Christmas all!

Please enjoy this cover of a traditional British Christmas anthem from one of my favourite artists:

John Cartwright

'What is this?' 'It's Slade mate! It's feckin' Slade!'  :D
(If he'd of posed that question in Wolverhampton he probably would of got a good kicking as an answer)

Thanks Fitz, right back at you with best wishes for you and yours.

And everbody else that frequents these boards of course :)
"Take that; you rotten Swastinkers you!"
:British Pathe News 1940


Spade?  :o

Cricket, I listened to those guys back in the bleed in' 70's!  :D
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

=CfC= Binks

Merry Christmas chaps. I've just heard that I will graciously be granted two days off, 25th and 26th, plus the weekend, by mine hosts, and intend to spend it consuming vast amounts, whilst sitting in the sun by the pool with Mrs Binks. I shall practice my bouncing bomb technique on any passing Jerry of course!

Bon Yule,

HE Lord Binks.

Dust,heat and sweat. Like living in Matron's armpit.......


Shame we could not meet up but as it turns out I'm bloody crook! Within 24hrs. of reaching Blighty I have not stopped coughing, wheezing and snivelling.
Would not want to pass that on to anyone!

Managed to collect all my new machinery (i5 / MSI board /16gb RAM) from Portsmouth yesterday and look forward to building it sometime in January.

Happy Christmas to you all and see you (God willing) in 2014.

Bounder ;D

=CfC=Father Ted

Having spent the last couple of weeks inundated by the Christmas soundtracks of various supermarkets I'm afraid I could not bring myself to click on this link Fitz.

I do, however, wholeheartedly endorse the sentiment of the thread.

Happy Christmas everybody!

=CfC= Ax

Merry Christmas to you all!


Apologies for my continued lack of absence gents, been rather busy with exams. Now that's all done and dusted I hope to see you chaps in the new year, if Fitz hasn't changed the locks that is?


The door is always open old chap, feel free to pop by whenever you fancy it.

pip pip,



=CfC= Ax

Thank's Fitz!

Wychwood ales, home of the Goblin...mmmm.