RC2 Patch

Started by =CfC=BlueDog, October 19, 2012, 07:05:28 AM

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It's out.   Just dial up Steam and be rewarded with CLOD Version 1.11.20362.

Haven't tried it (my PC is presently devoid of all flight sim hardware).   Reports are favourable, though.

This is the final patch for CLOD - ever!!!!   They will be moving on to another scenario.

Badgerton Smedly

It's out? Huzzar! I'd better get that summary together.

The long and the short of it is that they're using the same engines in their sequel 'Battle For/of Moscow' so they've had to fix it in Clod. Still not perfect by any means and the general installation only works satisfactorily on relatively recent hardware despite what it says on the box. More on that later, but feedback on the last round of testing was that it was much better. Better news for a game that was released in an 'alpha' state.  Oh SLI apparently works now too.

Now that it's out I'll look at getting my local DF map ready and sort out a host.

Will try the patch out over the weekend and after I've reinstalled TrackIR (if Windows 7 will accept the driver!! Grrrr)


Ps sorry for any typos - on my phone typing with sausage fingers.


John Cartwright

Bluey, you tease you! My vegan daughter is home for a few days, so we are meatless culinary-wise....I'd like to have a nibble at those digits
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