Latest NVIDIA driver

Started by =CfC=Bounder, August 31, 2011, 09:52:14 AM

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We talked about the latest NVIDIA driver last night. I have pinned down my problem.........operator error!

The latest driver is the 280.26 (Windows XP32 version) and it now works just fine. In the Antialiasing-setting column, I had set 16xQ CSAA instead of 16x CSAA (without the Q) and that seemed to have halved my frame rates. I am back to a regular 60 now on the Channel map.

Have no idea what all that means.....but the new driver is just fine.

Bounder ::)

Badgerton Smedly

Bounder, I think all the different settings are in that nVidia Tweak Guide I posted a while back.  I'll dig it out.


Badgerton Smedly


Thanks Badger.

The guide does cover "Q" and talks of a performance hit, but "CSAA" is not mentioned. The NVIDIA Google entry for "CSAA" suggests that it is a system that enhances AA without such a performance hit as the old  "MSAA".

In talking with "Q" down at "M" HQ, we discussed CSAA and MSAA and agreed that both of us understood FA about the whole NVIDIA GUI.
It's all too miuch..........!

Bring back the Abacus!

Bounder ::) RTD


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