DFM first impressions

Started by =CfC=Fitz, June 04, 2014, 08:29:55 PM

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Well, it works! I wasn't experiencing any lag or stutters and it was certainly playable. I think it's going to take a little getting used to though. I've noted a few people on the RSI forums complaining about the slow control and movement when using a stick rather than the mouse but if anything I had the opposite. I was constantly overcorrecting and the turn and roll rates were very quick. I may even need to adjust the sensitivity on my stick!

Some of the input lag that people have been complaining about feels to me more like the thrusters doing their thing. I'm not sure that standstill to full turn should be instant and as a flight sim pilot it felt quite natural if possibly a little overdone. Not sure, more testing will prove if it's overdone or that I'm just not used to it I guess.

I seem to have access to both the 300i and Hornet for the moment and wierdly, the Hornet felt nicer to fly and was more manouverable but I had more success in the 300i. Again this may just be that I tried the Hornet first so had a little more practice under my belt before trying the 300i.

I'll play a bit more before I provide any more input but for the moment my verdict is 'promising'

pip pip,



Pretty much the same feelings as yourself Fitz. Any new game will take a bit of getting used to, I was overcorrecting a lot too.
I will say it was a lot easier once I found my helmet.


The sensitivity curve for joysticks is off for me too!. The deadzone is too big and sensitivity ramps up too fast after that. Also, there's a lot of functionality not mapped to the HOTAS. However, I agree with Fitz. The basics seems to be just fine and for pre-alpha it's remarkably playable.


I tried to get the update but keep getting a 'Cannot load metafile' error... :P

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


Uninstalled the previous version and am waiting for the new stuff to download.

Regarding the great mouse vs hotas debate, my CH throttle has a mini-stick that is usually mapped to emulate a mouse....muhahahahahahahah!  :D

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


Ok, finally got the DFM loaded up and went for a spin.

It's a very pretty game, I did not have any issues using my hotas setup, everything is smooth and precise with no dead zones. Unfortunately, until keys can be mapped I won't be able to use the trigger on the joystick - unless there is a workaround I don't know about yet.

I don't have access to the Hornet, just the 300i and Aurora, to be expected I suppose.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


Hello Chaps,

Thanks to a clever fellow on the SC forums, my CH setup will now allow me to fly as well as fire, so I can finally take on the Vanduul Swarm. So far I only have access to the Aurora and 300i. While faster and in theory better armed, the rate of fire of the 300i's guns is annoyingly slow. Sure they pack a bigger punch, but right now i think I prefer the lasers on the Aurora.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.