Red Orchestra 2

Started by =CfC=Father Ted, December 14, 2012, 10:18:09 AM

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=CfC=Father Ted

I think some people expressed an interest in this.  Just a heads up up to say that it's free on Steam for this weekend.  Also on sale (£3.74), but I'd get the franchise pack(£6.99), coz then you get RO1 as well, which means you can D/L and play Darkest Hour, officially the best ever online shooter ever.*


*Probably not actually true, but it is to FPSs what IL2 is to combat flightsims

Badgerton Smedly

I think that I'll give this a pootle Ted!!  8)

=CfC=Father Ted

Just been reading a lot of encouraging stuff about Rising Storm - I think I may get this....