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Topics - Mak

Technical support / RHINO HOTAS
August 23, 2014, 07:35:15 PM
Wat Ho Chaps

I was considering buying a  Saitek X-55 rhino hotas.
If anyone has one, could you give me the dimensions. H.W.L. so that I can check if it will fit my 'Cockdesk' [the name my children have given gaming setup].
Many thanks

Technical support / Widescreen
August 17, 2014, 09:22:29 PM
Hi Chaps

Just wanted to let you know that I got the wide screen working ok.


Elite Dangerous / Elite Dangerous
June 01, 2014, 06:28:15 PM
What Ho Chaps

I purchased Elite yesterday but after hitting play it gives a blank black screen and goes 'Not Responding'
If any of you have it installed, any idea's?

Thanks all

Technical support / Review
April 15, 2014, 02:08:12 PM
What Ho Chaps

Been looking into suppliers for my next rig and wondered if anyone had dealt with either 'Envizage Solutions Ltd Swanley Kent' or 'FreshTech Solutions Ltd Stoke on Trent Stafordshire'


Star Citizen / Star Citizen [Fitz]
April 09, 2014, 05:28:08 PM
What Ho Fitz

Re our brief chat about Star Citizen, it certainly is an interesting concept and I think I would enjoy being part of it. I'm a little confused on how to join and cost. One page says its going to be 60 bucks for the digital game but is 30 for now. Another page says its a subscription of 10 or 20 bucks a month depending on what sort of membership you want. Could you clarify for me please? I do not suppose that my old rig will run the game well, if at all, but I would concider signing up anyway as it will incourage me to upgrade.

Mission Building / Red/Blue Won
March 01, 2014, 08:54:15 AM
What Ho Chaps

I have noticed on Hyperlobby that sometimes they have Mission Objectives, that when compleated creat a message saying Red/Blue Won. Can anyone explain how to set this up in a DogFight Map, please?
The reason I ask is that, inspired by Blue's attemps to sink the carrier last thursday and Red's obvious enjoyment at skillfully foiling them, I thought I'd try to make a DogFight Map including a convoy to destroy/protect.

Mission Building / Conky. 'Un'Friendly flak at Fifi's.
February 23, 2014, 09:41:29 PM
Hi Conky.
Enjoyed your 'Stuka' mission. It made a nice change.
I noticed we were getting hit by 'friendly flak' again at Fifi's. I dont know if this is it, but when I was putting the DeadisDead missions together I made my Fifi's Home Base colour 'None' and all the friendly flak inside the Home Base circle started shooting at me, so I changed it back to team colour and all was well.
Hope this helps
Technical support / Teamspeak Overlay
February 16, 2014, 10:30:29 PM
Hi Chaps
I heard talk of something called Overlay for use with Teamspeak. So that you can see who is talking whilst in game.
I have TS QT ver 4.8.3 and I have tried Overlay Plugin v3.4.15 but I get 'Plugin failed to load. Api version is not compatable'
Any help would be welcome.
Mission Building / Skins
February 10, 2014, 07:11:27 PM
Hi Conky
So if I upload the skins with a mission to dropbox and Fitz puts them in his Il2 folder they will eventualy become visible to all players over the net even though they do not have them in their Il2 folder at home?
Mission Building / Icons and Views
February 08, 2014, 02:29:44 PM
I was reading through the forums and came across this from Bounder.

'As we now fly UP3 all the time, we have the ability to use the settings available to us in the mission file to see everything that is going on when dead or on the you say more or less essential when taxiing sometimes: you can also watch other chaps fighting or landing when on the ground. In addition we can have settings that enable us to see targets and also other aircraft on the minimap without identifying colour.'

I am new to DF mission building and would like to ask if I need to do something clever in the .mis file, or is the above taken care of by the estimable Fritz?

I think there's a rat in my Daimler, Mak

Mission Building / Ted's red light
February 07, 2014, 01:49:29 PM
Hi Ted
After going offline yesterday I installed Bf109June1940 part 2 and played mission 1. I got a red fuel light too, on finals. I do sometimes deliberatly cut the fuel load tight on a mission just to spice things up but never on the first one, that would be cruel. [insert evil laugh] My conclusion is that I mucked up, should have been 50% fuel load not 30%. Thanks for the feedback and sorry if it detracted from your enjoyement of the mission.
On another matter, you said that Bf109June1940 part 1 would not play? Can you tell me what version your running please? I'll download it from M4T and try it on mine.
Squadron Recruitment / Hello
January 25, 2014, 11:52:02 PM
Hello chaps
I'm interested in joining your squadron as I hear its absolutly spiffing.
I've been flying Il2 [badly :-\] for about 18 months, almost always offline and would like to take to the virtual skies online and with friends.
Hope to meet you soon.