DF Mission Syntax explained

Started by =CfC=Bounder, December 04, 2010, 11:52:14 AM

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With Xmas approaching I have had to curtail mission building somewhat and so the last update of our online missions is in the Dropbox with today’s date in the syntax (041210) of the relevant mission folder.

They are available for all to use by “copying” (do not “cut”) the entire individual mission folder into your Missions/Net/dogfight folder in either 4.09 or UP2.01 installation. The last 6 digits are the date and so any previously dated folder with the same syntax can be deleted.

Although rather dull flying a DF mission on your own, it does enable you to practice carrier landings, intercept enemy bomber formations in AIDF missions and importantly make “arrivals” at the several Madame Fifi airstrips in different aircraft types.

Inside each mission folder is a short “Readme.info” file (Notepad) describing essential info. About each  mission.
The names of these folders refer to the type of mission:-

1) 4.09 mission folders are either “DF” or “TrSp” (training or special purpose)

2) UP201 missions have three different types of mission:-
- “DF_MDS113” which means they are DF Moving Dogfight Server missions (moving ships etc.) with the current MDS version in the syntax.
- “AIDF” meaning that there are AI aircraft flying around in addition to normal DF.
- “TrSp” missions which like the 409 mission folder above is for training or special purpose.

The missions housed within these folders also have a syntax providing information about the mission:-

- The name starts with the map name used e.g. “Islands”
- If they are just “DF” they are annotated as such.
- MDS missions have the version (currently 1.13) also in the mission name
- If AI aircraft are present, then the mission has  “AIDF” in the name
- Depending on the allocation of either Red or Red and Blue HB’s available, the syntax is added to the “DF” e.g. for missions with Red participation only, they have the letter “R” only…”AIDFR” and if designed for two armies “AIDFRB”.
- A number is assigned for the mission version e.g. “AIDFRB01” means that there have been no revisions.
- Lastly, there may be a specific year/scenario annotated in the mission name e.g. “1944” or “AVG”.

I hope this explains how the folders/mission names are organised.

If you have got this far without falling asleep, could you give me ideas about an Xmas co-op/MDS. In the past we have had missions involving “two up” aircraft by teaming up to fly as pilot/gunner. We now have some interesting aircraft to team up with e.g “Storch” which will additionally require an “interesting” landing runway!
Any ideas?

Bounder ;D


Hi Bounder,

Thank you for helping us break the code of your missions, it is more complicated than the Da Vinci code and the boffins at Bletchley Park have been unable to decipher it, having melted two Enigma machines in the attempt.

I think a Storch df would be lots of fun, as would some racing in the older kites.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

=CfC=Father Ted

I envisage a single-player mission utilising a custom-modelled sinlge-seat aircraft with a relatively low thrust/weight ratio of eight reindeer/one jolly fat man, an astonishing performance and range coupled with a huge payload of presents.  The focus of the mission would not be on dog-fighting, but upon incredibly accurate dive-bombing.  Added difficulites would include remaining undetected and being able to tell if your target has been good or bad this year.  RRR will be available in the form of mince pies and a small glass of sherry.



Yup.....it's WIP at the moment.....

Mission name is:-


I'm working on the FM for your suggested aircraft Ted.....

=CfC= Binks

Sounds like a good night at Mme Fifi's Father Ted!

HE Lord Binks.

Dust,heat and sweat. Like living in Matron's armpit.......