Battle of Britain Multi squad Campaign

Started by 5./JG27Farber, October 15, 2011, 06:40:15 PM

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Hay ho!

Battle of Britain Multi squad Campaign STARTS 30th October and runs every sunday at 21:00 CET for four weeks.

Thought you chaps might be interested :)
Black 1
Rudolf Farber


Wheres the Chuffolites of yester year? Always ready for a fight?   :-\
Black 1
Rudolf Farber

=CfC=Father Ted

Sorry old chap - it's just that we either can't play the game coz it won't run or those that can play haven't enough hours to dip our toes in multi-player


Though please do record it and I'll watch the slide show!


Haha Fitz,  I was having that problem for a bit, have you changed the Netspeed in the conf.ini to 250000 instead of 10000?  Works allot better like that!
Black 1
Rudolf Farber


Does it make any difference to single player?


Sin... gle... player!??   ???

Does not compute!  Hahah.  Well heres my system specs and setting if it helps?

Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @2.50Ghz
ATI Radeon HD 5770
Win 7 64 bit
Track IR 5
Saitek stick and pedals.

No other tweeks as yet.  Some guys are using the  AA fix from ARMAII!?

The only bottle kneck right now seems to be hideous custom skins and bad mission building causing DL/UPL'd problems...  Hope this helps!
Black 1
Rudolf Farber


For some reason my machine just doesn't like CloD. I have an i7 @ 4Ghz and it just idles. My GPU is a bit dated but it certainly isn't being maxed out when Clod is running. Most of the graphics settings are low or off with model details at medium and I just get a slideshow with the ground in view and very stuttery with just sky.

I'll give it another couple of patches to see if they can make it playable. It's put me off even bothering to try the patches when they're released to be honest.


Your a pretty tech savvy guy, have you made any changes to your system that might be responsable?  Your processor should handle this with ease...  Our server is a i5 and that works well... 

One of our fella's upgraded from XP(?) to win 7 but as it wasn't a full install from fresh it only upgraded to 32 bit, meaning he was only using little of his ram.  I can't remeber the numbers, is it 32 bit uses up to 3.5 and 64 bit uses up to 6 RAM or something?

I am interested in the answer to this one cos it sounds you have quite a rig, its wierd your having such problems.  Have you tried veryfing the integrety of the cache through steam and deleting the cache folder incase somethings corrupted?
Black 1
Rudolf Farber