5./JG27 Server

Started by 5./JG27Farber, October 02, 2011, 03:32:28 PM

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Hello Chuffolites!

Just to keep you informed our server is now up and running with two rotating maps (Kanalkampf and Adlertag) lasting two hours each.  The whole things based around a historcal feel with typical missions for each scenario.  AI bombers of all shapes and sizes are roaming around trying to complete historical objectives such as bombing the chain home stations and airfields.

The link below gives briefs and other information although its a bit redundent now as briefs are now working in game when you select your side and also if you right click you map and select briefing you can see it on the move as well...


Were hoping over the next week or so to add a couple more missions, Adlerangriff and Blitz.  This combined with Stat tracking so you can moitor your online progress!
Black 1
Rudolf Farber


Hi Farber,

Sounds good, I'm looking forward to CloD being patched to a playable state so I can give it a go.

pip pip,



Hi Fitz,

Were running on the new beta patch which really is brillant, the sounds are amazing and its allot smoother.  This latest patch actually bowled us well in the Cliffs camp... 

Hope to see you soon!

Black 1
Rudolf Farber