Movie Taster - "Dornier Corner"

Started by Badgerton Smedly, November 10, 2012, 06:25:13 PM

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Badgerton Smedly


A very quick peice of recording, editing and splatting onto the interweb. Click the link below.  It has music, so switch your sound on.

Planning to put together a better peice once Wilkins can get away from Matron's linament bottle.




Nice, Badger, especially the sound track...but I was sorry to see that it wasn't you on the vocals as well as on the guns and on Matron's knee.

I'v got deja vue all over me...

Badgerton Smedly

Thanks Woof!  Mrs Badger and I were singing along to the clip, but it wasn't as good as the original. I found my bumper CD pack '100 War Time Greats' which I'll be putting to good use!

Matron is really warming to the possiblity of getting a part in the full production. She even handed in an outline of a scene where she falls behind enemy lines and is captured and interrogated by the Gestapo! The script had something about her repeatedly crossing her legs, but then the script reviewer had to leave the room and be ill. I think I'll have to let her down gently. Besides, the amount of friction she'd cause repeatedly crossing and uncrossing her legs in those nylons would spark and start a set fire that I don't think our insurance would cover. Damn this war and it's lack of silk!!


"No animals were harmed in the making of this film"

"Oh... that looked important."


Excellent bit of cinematography Badger old bean!

A proper Martin Scorsese  ;D.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.