Best aircraft for a first purchase

Started by =CfC=Fitz, December 31, 2011, 07:56:05 PM

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What it says in the title chaps. Your thoughts....


SE5a is the fastest, but not a turner,
Camel is almost unbeatable. but it will kill you with its wicked spin more times than not to start with.
Biff is a superb twin seater and it turns like a single seater!
Spad VII is pretty good, especially in the 180hp model, but only one gun.

I guess the SE5a myself.  Fast enough to outrun anything and get out of trouble.  Two guns up front and if you fly it boom & zoom mode it can be deadly.  Think of it as a WW1 FW190!  ;)  [Also it crops up in most online server games].
Otherwise lots of practice in the Camel!  ::)

Not sure this helps much!  :)

Watch Your Six!

Holder of the largest Bar Tab 1940

=CfC= Silverback

I'm thinking the vary early fighters are the most fun. The DH2 and the E.III both are a blast to fly.


Well it looks like everyone that has posted their aircraft list so far has the se5a so that I think has to be a first aircraft purchase for the squadron.

Second aircraft then.....

=CfC=Father Ted

I'd say Camel, if we're sticking to Allied crates, but if you want a balanced stable, then Fokker DVIIf


Yup looks like everyone has the camel as well.

So what is the aircraft that you are most likely to be able to use online? I've heard the camel tends to be left out as the hun think it's too good. Not much point purchasing something you can't use....

=CfC= Silverback

Fill your hanger guys the sale on. Dann good day for flight sims 4.11 is out and a sale at ROF.


Bought a hangar full of canvas and matchwood in the sale.....have no idea quite what....just ticked some boxes which had roundels on them!

I gather glue is not included!

Bounder ;D

=CfC= Silverback

Sorry Bounder, glue, tape and bailing wire are not included. I think Wilkins is going to be real busy. Just got the rest of the herd myself.