Centennial Armistice/Remembrance Day

Started by John Cartwright, November 11, 2018, 11:30:25 AM

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John Cartwright

The most prominent Armistice Day in the lifetime of many of us here. If I make the next centennial one in 2045 I'll be nearly 96!

A number of pilots, in their memoirs and even writing at the time of the Battle, have expressed 'Boy' Wellum's sentiment; 'we just want to be remembered for what we did'. That certainly is the case here and at similar groups, FB groups, websites and forums.
And in the media recently, whatever you think of the veracity of the films, 'Hurricane' 'Squadron 303', 'Dunkirk' and of course the superb and moving 'Spitfire' documentary have recently acknowledged and paid tribute to the men and women involved.
"Take that; you rotten Swastinkers you!"
:British Pathe News 1940


Very true BD.

This really was a very poignant Remembrance Day.

I found it very hard to watch the Peter Jackson film "They Shall Not Grow Old". The added colour and detail just made it so disturbing......but that's how it was and it just adds appreciation to those that were involved in that conflict.

I usually lay my poppy at Tarrant Rushton airfield memorial but this year was different. It made sense to part with my little Panther Kallista in view of circumstances and last week a chap from Belgium (not far from Mons) rang up and offered the asking price. He arrived with a trailer on Friday and after agreeing to take my poppy attached to the radiator he departed for the Channel Tunnel. It will I'm told be laid at one of the memorials near Mons......wish I could have gone myself.


John Cartwright

"Take that; you rotten Swastinkers you!"
:British Pathe News 1940


Well we may not trust some of the Belgian chaps negotiating Brexit, but the chap that bought my Panther kept his word and sent me these pictures of my poppy on an unmarked grave near Mons.

Very grateful to him.



I'v got deja vue all over me...