General Performance Issues

Started by Badgerton Smedly, April 01, 2011, 12:56:25 PM

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=CfC=Father Ted

Another irritation is the depiction of tracers.  I've left all of the graphics settings on low and my tracers look like something out of Star Trek (the 1960s series)  The people shooting at me, however, displayed realistic-looking phosphorus trails

Badgerton Smedly

Quote from: =CfC=Father Ted on April 26, 2011, 10:59:47 PM
My first impression of the 6DoF was favourable, but in combat I find it irritating as it seems to jump about.  Is this something I need to sort out via Freetrack or in the game?  I haven't found any menu options for head tracking in game.

I think you're experiencing a FT issue Ted.  Maybe it's something Fitz can assist on as I'm a TIR user.

On the tracer point you've raised; there has been a bit of debate on it on the 1C forum and the latest tracers are more accurate apparently...  ???  I'll dig out the post when I get home.


=CfC= Silverback

Guys the latest bata patch works vary well on high for me no stutter at low altitude. Be sure to set your conf to the correct processor code.

=CfC=Father Ted

Quote from: =CfC= Silverback on April 28, 2011, 05:04:04 AM
Guys the latest bata patch works vary well on high for me no stutter at low altitude. Be sure to set your conf to the correct processor code.

Am waiting for the patch to come out via Steam.  Meanwhile, on my quad core system, what would be the correct process affinity code?


Are any of you running WinXP? I've been reading that CoD doesn't run very well under it.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Badgerton Smedly

I think Ted has his new machine now Conky!!  :) :) :)

=CfC=Father Ted

Yes indeedy, new PC with Windows 7, so can't help with XP, Conky.  From what I've read the game seems to be improving dramatically with each patch.  Certainly it seems to run fairly smoothly on my PC, aside from this annoying shaking of the cockpit against the scenery.  I smoothed out the curves in Freetrack which made the 6DoF more manageable, but the shaking is still there.  I don't think it's the infamuos microstutter as the scenery moves smoothly.

Anyhoo, for future reference in terms of relative performance of the game here are my specs:

Proc:  i5 2500
MoBo: Asus P8H67
Ram: 8GB DDR3
GPU: 460 GTX 1GB
OS Win7 64 bit

Apologies, Badger, if there is another thread already for this sort of stuff

=CfC= Silverback

Ted set your process affinity code to 15, be sure to remove the ";" in front. You should see a bit better fram rates.

=CfC=Father Ted

Thanks Silverback, I did read that on the forums, altered the config, and the program crashed, took the line out again and it was fine.  So I figured that value was mis-information, and someone here would know the "correct" value.  I'll try again, though: the crash may have another cause.

Just had a quick 6v6 over the Channel and am enjoying this sim more and more.

=CfC= Silverback

That's weird because thats what I use and my game has never crashed. You changed the conf in your documents folder right?


To be honest, I'm not sure it does anything. A lot of peole have tried various settings and noticed no difference in core usage. It may just be a redundant gene in the evolution of the sim.

pip pip,
