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Topics - =CfC=BlueDog

Bluey's Bar / Father Ted at Work
February 17, 2011, 06:03:33 AM
Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog for company.

One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked, 'Father, my dog is dead.. Could ya' be saying' a mass for the poor creature?'

Father Ted replied, 'I'm afraid not; we cannot have services for an animal in the church. But there are some Anglicans down the lane, and there's no tellin' what they believe. Maybe they'll do something for the creature.'

Muldoon said, 'I'll go right away Father. Do ya' think $5,000 is enough to donate to them for the service?'

Father Ted exclaimed, 'Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus! Why didn't ya tell me the dog was Catholic?'

Bluey's Bar / Chuffy's Cultural Activities
January 31, 2011, 10:04:05 AM
Chaps, for Chuffy's cultural activities this year I've decided to put Morris Dancing on the backburner and concentrate on Cheese Rolling.

This year's Cheese Rolling event is to be a two-day spectacular taking place at the usual venue, Cooper's Hill, Glouchester on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June 2011.   All members are expected to participate.   Woof will lead our team in his traditional lime green 'Borat' mankini gear.   See if you can spot him in the 2009 race.

Training commences next Wednesday morning.   Matron will provide first aid as required.

Bluey's Bar / Bluey's Royal FacePage
November 24, 2010, 09:13:53 AM
Excitement abounds as the nuptial news of Wee Willy and Katie spreads to the four corners of the British Empire.    So, despite his previous flops [“Bluey’s Kaption Korner” and “For Movie Buffs]), brave,  brave Bluey, that noted Royals Watcher, has elected to start up a new thread: Bluey’s Royal FacePage.    Who else (or is it “whom else”?) else, you might ask, for surely the BlueDog must have distant royal blood coursing through his cholesterol choked veins â€" true British blue blood too; and not that dodgy Dutch stuff!

So, Chaps, here is the place to air anything related to the Royals.   As usual, I’ll start the ball rolling with a royal anecdote:

Snow White, Tom Thumb and Quasimodo were chatting amiably one day when Sow White said: “You know, I’m regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world”.

Tom Thumb, not to be outdone said “Well, It’s considered that, at a mere 6 cm, I am regarded as the smallest one of all”.

“That’s nothing,” Quasimodo butted in “I’m the ugliest person in the world”

“It’s all very well us saying this,” said the ever wise Thumb “but how can we prove it?”

Miss White thought for a while and then had a brilliant idea “I know, let’s check with the people at the Guinness Book of Records â€" surely they will know!”

So, arrangements were made for the three to appear individually before a GBR panel to qualify their claims.   Snow White went in first, and came out about 15 minutes later. “It’s official, I’m the most beautiful woman on Earth” she said smugly.

Tom Thumb went in next, coming out again about 10 minutes later with a broad grin upon his tiny visage.   â€œYay” he cried “at a mere 6 cm I’m definitely the smallest by a very large margin”

Quasimodo then fronted the panel but came out again in less than a minute, scratching his head in confusion.   He threw himself on the ground in front of White and Thumb, obviously in much distress; and through great sobs he wailed “Just who the hell is Camilla Parker Bowles?”   
Technical support / The Bigger the Better?
November 23, 2010, 05:40:49 AM
Having run a 22" monitor for some years now, I have a hankering for a 27" monitor, figuring the bigger the better. :-\   But is this really the case?   Sometimes simple extensions (in thought) don't always work out for the best when other complicating factors might abound.  (Bluey, are you waffling on again?). ???

Does anyone run IL2 on a 27" monitor?    If so, what size did you 'graduate' from, and what are your impressions regards such things as game immersion and picture quality?


Bluey's Bar / For Movie Buffs
November 13, 2010, 12:44:35 AM
This years "must see" movie:

Bluey's Bar / Bluey's Kaption Korner
October 10, 2010, 07:10:38 AM
Fine Chappies,

Here's the place to show your silly or amusing images - and let the rest of Chuffy's clever chaps come up with comical captions.

I'll start the ball rolling.

First prize for the funniest caption is a night out with Matron.   Second prize is TWO nights out with Matron. ;D

Technical support / Sikorsky HRS-3
August 20, 2010, 08:16:16 AM
Thought I might try this helo out:,7862.0.html

Installation instructions call for pasting text into "air.ini" file.   Where is this file located?   Stuffed if I can find it!
Bush Pilots Tales / Ah, Memories (sigh)
August 04, 2010, 12:31:21 AM
Stumbled across this pic on the internet.   It shows RAAF Canberra A84-240 (accompanied by a RNZAF Skyhook) whilst being ferried to NZ to be displayed in an RNZAF Museum.

Ah, the memories (sigh).   It's the Canberra I flew in the air display extravaganza held for the RAAF's 50th Anniversary in 1971 - even had my name on the side and all that malarkey!.   All RAAF aircraft types took part in the display which was a travelling carnival, taking the show to most state capitals.   The Canberras put on a low level three ship display; really steep turns at 200ft in close formation and ending with a vertical bomburst.   Bloody hard work!  

And here's a shot of the cockpit of A84-240.   What a shambles!

So let's hear about your fond memories of flight (doesn't have to be pilot stuff, or military).....just add it here.

Eg: Woof, is that you in one of the Sabres in your sig?   Must be a memorable story there!  
Bluey's Bar / Base Medical Flight
June 21, 2010, 12:32:54 PM
Seems Chuffy's lads have landed en-mass in the Base Hospital.   Try to work out who's who. ;D