Badger Smedly - Live Results Summary (To continue till culled!)

Started by Badgerton Smedly, November 04, 2012, 08:03:18 PM

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Badgerton Smedly

Sorties: 6

Status: Alive with 2 broken Spitfires

Confirmed Destroyed
1 x Bf110 
2 x Bf109 (1 shared)

Probably Destroyed
1x Bf109
1x Ju88

1x Bf109
1x Ju88

Friendly Damage
1 x Blenhiem fuel pump.


Well done Badger!

The game really looks lovely, keep posting those screen shots.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Badgerton Smedly

Thanks Conky, I will do. 

Interestingly, it's not possible to playback external views from an online track!  A bug?  An oversight?  No - this is intentional apparently.  One of the ideas put forward for this is that it prevents people recording a track on a server and then playing it back to get a strategic advantage.  So, all my screenies will be taken from inside the cockpit.

I think that my next sortie will be a bomber hunt at medium altitude in either a Spitfire IIa or a Rotol Hurricane.  I'll need some focused support on that one, so hoping to rope in Ted.


Hmmm, interesting, I wonder how viewing a vid of a past event could give you a strategic advantage? Unless you we're running two separate games and left one AC on the ground with externals on; a bit complicated to say the least. Still, some people just have to win and will do anything.

Pip, pip,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Badgerton Smedly

I have no idea why they've done this or whether it was switched off for a technical reason Conky.  Seems a bit strange, but there's always Blue espionage to blame if nothing else!!

Fiends!!  >:(


I suspect that it's more a case of the code not being up to handle externals on online maps. It would have to rapidly render different parts of the map instantaneously which it is plainly not capable of...

Badgerton Smedly

That sounds more like it Fitz.  Looking at the view options it's probably just as well, as even with the current ATAG set up, there's a fair bit of AI action plus static targets and 100 human players too.  That's a lot of ctrl-f2-ing to cycle through the enemy targets.

It'll have to be cockpit action shots. I'll try to make them exciting!  ;D

=CfC=Father Ted

I'm sure Fitz is probably right, but I think there was some controversy in Rofland about someone who set up two accounts and used the second as a sort of virtual AWACS as Conky suggested (it wasn't you was it Conky?)

Badgerton Smedly

Thinking about it; if a player can play an online game with externals switched on in the Channel map, or even if a player can play the Channel Map offline and have external views on, then is this a system capability problem?  Besides the engine is still plotting the points and navigating to them whether online or offline and your PC is only rendering what is local to the area you are focusing on, or in the local of the item that you are focusing on.  So whether you are playing real-time-styli, or playing back - what is the difference?

Interesting!  I'll ask the ATAG chaps on their forum for their views!